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Official Website 

Destroyed by Deception

Amythest College Saga
Available for preorder
My Story

So, who am I?

I’m a mum to two little boys, a wife, a student, an author and a friend. I adore reading and if I’m not writing or studying you’ll find me reading anything I can get my hands on. I love college romances, stepbrother romance, paranormal (my fave) or dystopian (especially the Hunger Games). I love TV shows such as Supernatural, Lucifer, Outlander and Shadowhunters and I enjoy going to the cinema or having a few wines with my friends.

I will be attending three book signings this year, so if you are going to Liverpool in March, Chester in April or Newcastle in June be sure to swing by and say hi.

I hope you continue to read and if you want to contact me, then please feel free to do so.

I also have a newsletter you can join if you want to be kept up-to-date with my upcoming releases.

My Books




My Books

The excellent writing by the talented Stacy McWilliams had me feeling like I was pulled into a scary world of demons one minute and then hoping that Jasmine and Nathan could somehow find a way to be together and still come out alive in the young adult romance world. 

-Lana (review on Goodreads)

Next Event
Book Signing at 
The Park Hotel

March 11th 2017, 11am

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